Fan Page Instructions

How To Load Your Images To The Fan Page


1. Load only completed colored images from a Coloring Book Classic or images from the Color A Classic page downloaded and printed up from the Coloring Book Classic website.


2. Utilizing the Fan Page images template example include the following when you submit your images: 


     a. An image of the subject who colored the page.


     b. A short text blurb about the subject and or experience coloring the page. This can be submitted via Notepad or a      Word file.


     c. Four images of different pages you colored from a Coloring Book Classic or invidual pages you downloaded and printed up from the Color A Classic website page.

3. Image size – Consider your browsers limits when emailing files. You can also submit files in a zip file, a pdf or jpeg individual files. Please label the file with the email address you are emailing it from.

4. Once your images are posted on the Fan Page Gallery you will be notified by email usually within 24 to 48 hours of your images being posted.


5. By submitting your images to you give permission to and its owners to display your images, your likeness and your text on the Fan Page website.


6. If at any time you want your images removed from the Fan Page website send an email to and request your images to be removed. We will honor your request and remove your images from the Coloring Book Classics Fan Page website within 24 to 48 hours.  


7. Please note we are redesigning our Facebook page and if you’d like your coloring images to be added to our Facebook Fan Page please indicate that in the email you send us.    


I look forward to seeing your images on the Coloring Book Classics Fan Page soon.  


Submit all images and text to 



If you love to color… Color A Classic!







Unleash Your Creativity And Tap Into The Artist Within


Get Inspired, your free magnificent, stress-relieving, ready to print images that you can download and print up immediately. Celebrate the inspiration of creativity and the joy of coloring with stunning images you'll receive monthly from my Classic Collection.  Click Get Inspired Now to get your free copy.

Success Your Inspired Book Is On Its Way!